Sunday, May 27, 2007

A Horse of a Different Color

. . .or Donkey, as the political symbolism goes.

It was brought to my attention yesterday, that if Barack Obama was just another Caucasian democratic contender, his lack of experience coupled with his dopey opie "used car salesman" grin, would not even have gotten him noticed, let alone afforded him bumper sticker space on the back of so many $85,000 Volvos (next to the "feed the poor" and Ivy league college stickers).

I was hanging out with an old friend yesterday, who happens to share similar melanin levels with the Senator from Illinois, and he voiced a statement, that (me) as a pigment challenge American, could not (lest fear the wrath and bad hair of Rev. Al Sharpton). Q told me that he doesn't know one other black person who would vote for Obama, and more interestingly, that he feels most of the white folks who are supporting him are doing it for culture shock value or liberal brownie points.

He compared Barack supporters to the "lil' white college girls" who often dated him when he was younger, partially with the hope of bringing him home to freak out their parents, or just to feel "radical" around their friends. Being an ex-long haired rocker dude, I could relate, as a number of lil' coeds played that same game with the monkster (except parents always ended up liking me, which would annoy the heck out of the silly ex-debutantes).

*not surprisingly, the above pic was found on my first "Obama" image search

We also talked about the "look at me I am not racist, I am voting for Obama" people, who are usually the same sort who are quick to brag at having gay or Muslim friends (or whatever group they think is anti-establishment), yet couldn't (wouldn't) tell ya if they have any friends who are Christian. These folks can usually be found in a Toyota Prius, proudly driving below the speed limit while in the fast lane (growing in smugness as the line behind them increases), while on their way to the local Unitarian Universalist vegetarian co-op / "church". It really is funny that folks who boast of not being bigoted, tend to be able to (and with great enthusiasm) list the "politically correct" race, creed, and sexual preference of everyone they know.

The odd thing is that my friend actually leans to the left on most issues, but like me, can't find any "real" potential candidate to support (Brownback rocks, but I fear won't make it to the final showdown). I was happy that he agreed with my statement that "how come I can admit that Bush is an idiot, but the left can't be that honest about Hilary?"

Anyhow, we both also agreed that whoever wins in 2008, we are obligated to pray for that person, as in the end, it is God not man, who gave them the authority.

Disagree with your Leaders if you must,
but Always pray for them!

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