Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Brother Lawrence: deeds or motives?

"[He said:] that our sanctification did not depend upon our
changing our works, but upon our doing that for God's sake
which commonly we do for our own; that it was lamentable to
see how many people mistook the means for the end, addicting
themselves to certain works, which they performed very
imperfectly, by reason of their human or selfish regards."

Brother Lawrence (c.1605-1691)
A quote from
The Practice Of The Presence Of God , a wonderful little classic for anyone wishing to make their whole life a prayer.

On a side note, I am collecting covers of old paperbacks to eventually frame, so if anyone comes across a ten cent copy of an old Lewis, Chesterton, MacDonald, etc., feel free to send 'em my way (O: (and for you "bookies" out there, yes, I am ripping the covers off old novels). My humblest of apologies to my fellow Mass'keteer, but Mandate is not,
as of yet, sufficiently distressed for my design purposes (O:

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