Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Seeing Victory in Defeat

Of all the photos that stick in my over cataloged database of a noggin, one of my favorites is a picture of an old friend's grand parents (wish I had a copy to show ya). In this slightly distressed sepia print from the early 20th century, sits a nicely dressed African American woman, and standing next her, a Native American looking daper in a three piece suit and sporting a mohawk.

I thought of that photo, as well as a wonderful lil' film "Once Upon a Time, When We were Colored", back in October when it was announced that Barack Obama had won the presidential election. While I pretty much disagree with just about everything that comes out of our new President's mouth, I have found a bit of solace in the fact that there are so many of my slightly more tan brothers and sisters out there, that have maybe for the first time, completely felt that God given dignity, that I take for granted every single day.

Just a thought.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I also love that photo of my grandparents, D'Art! #:)