.Dr. Peter Kreeft, will be giving a talk today on the

The Power of Beauty in the Sacred Arts"
St. Mary's in Old Town Alexandria, VA.
Sadly, I won't be there (don't venture to that part a town), but wanted to let any of you folks in a hundred mile radius know, as he is a brilliant mind and amazing speaker.
His talk coincides with the
7th Annual Alexandria Festival of the Arts, only a few blocks from the church.
Join us Saturday, September 12th to hear Dr. Peter Kreeft speak about: "The Power of Beauty in the Sacred Arts."
Opening Reception at 7pm. Talk at 7:30pm The Lyceum at St. Mary's Catholic Church,
313 Duke Street, Alexandria, VA. Seating will be limited to 125 people.
Peter Kreeft, Ph.D., is a professor of philosophy at Boston College and at the King's College (Empire State Building), in New York City. He is a regular contributor to several Christian publications, is in wide demand as a speaker at conferences, and is the author of over 45 books.
Raffle tickets will be available at the door for a limited edition signed giclee print by
Anthony Visco entitled: The Agony in the Garden. 1 for $20 or 3 for $50. All proceeds will benefit The Foundation for Sacred Arts.
Hosted by St. Mary's Catholic Church and The Mary Martha Guild.
www.thesacredarts.orgwww.peterkreeft.comHis similar lecture is available
online .