Monday, August 30, 2010

Father Keroppi

This proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that I am as geeky, as I am Catholic (O:

Saturday, August 21, 2010

80 years ago . . .or 80 seconds

"Fallacies do not cease to be fallacies
because they become fashions."
G. K. Chesterton

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Dear Anne

Recently a popular novelist threw a lil' temper tantrum, where she huffed and puffed and did everything short of holding her breathe, in an attempt to make the Church change truth to please her. Anne Rice's short lived reversion to the Catholic church actually ended before it began, as even in her earliest interviews on the topic, spoke of her desire for her opinions to become Church dogma.

Dear Anne, a Christian isn't someone who loves the Jesus of their imagination, but worships the Truth that is Jesus, regardless if that Truth is not currently trendy or comfortable. You can kick n' scream n' even write silly books where 2+2=7, but the Truth that 2+2=4 will not change no matter how much you cry about it on Facebook.

Recently I wrote "I have come to realize there are only Two Doors in or out of Catholicism;
The Entrance is marked with the word "Truth"
The Exit is marked "Opinion"

and me thinks you tried to sneak in through the latter, but in reality never came in at all
....but yer still welcome of course, just leave yer pride at the door.
God bless,

Monday, August 16, 2010

More Free Lectures

Found another great Audio site full of interesting talks and lectures for free download. The Institute of Catholic Culture, based in Arlington VA, also lists upcoming events that those of us who are close by can attend.
I think I just may have to attend Dr. Timothy O'Donnell's upcoming Swords Around the Cross : Catholic Ireland & the Nine Years War on August 24 & 31st at Saint Ambrose Catholic Church in Annandale, VA.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Too Much Redbull Self Quote #64

"Catholics are not necessarily
but we are
Pro-Creative "

Saturday, August 14, 2010

I'll stick to Fruits and Veggies

"If lust and hate is the candy,
if blood and love tastes so sweet,
...then we give 'em what they want"

Natalie penned this tune even before Al Gore invented the internet, and before the vile "entertainment" so many of my Catholic and Evangelical Christian friends watch on cable or at the movies.

Me thinks if we prayed half as much as we waste time watching Sex in the City, Glee, or Dexter; than the world would be as peaceful as we "say" we want it to be.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Today's reading

"Then I heard the sound of their wings,
like the roaring of mighty waters,
like the voice of the Almighty.
When they moved, the sound of the tumult
was like the din of an army.
And when they stood still,
they lowered their wings.".
Ezekiel 1:24

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Open for Biz

This is a shameless promotion for my new Picture Frame Shop, and me asking that if ya feel so inclined, go check out the shop's Facebook page (um, and tell yer friends),
Thanks and God bless,

NoBe Picture Framing
North Beach,Md


Monday, August 2, 2010

August Letter Recipient - Project Mustard Seed

The letter recipient for August 2010 is: STARWOOD. Operations: lodging (
hotels/resorts: Aloft, Element, Four Points, Le Méridien, Luxury Collection, Sheraton, St. Regis, W, Westin).
Please write to:
Mr. Frits D. van Paasschen
President & CEO
Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide Inc.
1111 Westchester Avenue
White Plains, NY 10604-3525
Starwood Hotels has been on The Boycott List since July 2009. If you would like to obtain your own copy of the latest Boycott List, visit LDI’s website at Thank you again for all of your effort on behalf of the unborn. Enjoy the rest of your summer!