"Going against Church teaching yet still callin' yerself a Catholic
is like sittin' down for a Steak at Ruth's Chris
and still callin' yerself a Vegetarian"
"if my darkness can praise Your light"
Seminarian Philip Johnson from Deacon Watkins on Vimeo.
Like everyone, I was suckered into watching "The Last Lecture", but unlike most folks it made me sad in a different way. It was full of the Oprah-esqe type of "live life to the fullest" kind of bumper sticker philosophy that I had already heard a bazillion times, but yet the "why" seemed to be somewhat absent and although it of course pulled at the heartstrings of this ol' sap, it left me feeling it lacked truth somehow.
The young seminarian in this video understands both the "why" of his/our life, as well as , at least as much as anyone can, the purpose in his suffering. Diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor while in the seminary, he speaks of finally knowing his vocation and his hope to one day, God willing, becoming a priest. After you watch, please add this young man to your prayers, with the hope that he will be able to be the celebrant at Mass at least once, before he joins in the great mass in heaven.