Sunday, March 8, 2009

Labour Movement in F#

"He that hath seen Christ has seen the Father, and Christ
not only died, but conquered death and rose again.
God the Father is suffering, striving, crucified, but unconquerable.
We see His triumph now in Nature's glory, and we hear Him
calling to us to join Him in the task of conquering the evils
which arise from the necessities of creation. He calls us to
combat floods and famine and pestilence and disease. He hates
them, and wills with us to overcome them, and they shall be
overcome. The Doctor, the Pioneer, the Scientist, are workers
with God like the Priest.
All good work is God's work, and all
good workers do God's will.
They are laboring to make a world
G. A. Studdert Kennedy

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