Friday, March 6, 2009

Similar . . .and similar Reason

While I generally am not one to be materialistic, I do confess to prefer only Levi's jeans, as well as really, really . . . Really like my new Philips Ipod remote. Other than these small populistic indiscretions, it is rather rare to see me sporting anything with a "name" or "label", as I have always felt a bit "branded" when doing so.

Moving into a part of my beloved Bawlmer that is made up primarily with 25-35 year old young professionals, I started noticing almost immediately a trend towards the wearing of black North Face jackets (counting 23 one evening at a grocery). My hobby of pondering on the herd mentality lead me to notice the similarity in both the North Face logo, and the Obama "O".
Both have curved stripes which seem to give the feeling of movement, or "change", and both seem to have a price tag that the average American can't afford.

My more academic Mass'keteers could no doubt give more input into the psychological reasoning behind our inherent need to be given a brand, our own desire to be part of a One where we are truly more our self; and how this desire or need can lead us to the counterfeit of a political party (for those unpolitical) or designer ski wear (for those who don't ski). For me it seems that it is just easier for folks to pick the shiniest, the most trendy, than it is to actually consider all the abundant choices upon choices upon choices that seem to continually pop up (I am starting to realize that devil is not only the father of "Choice", but also of too many choices).
Why think, when you can just buy the jacket shell, or support empty shell, that all your friends do?

Discuss amongst yourselves



Anonymous said...

Clever observation, D'Art. And don't forget the Pepsi-Obama logos.

Athos said...

Too long to 'splain. A real short version is, we feel less likely to be victimized - chosen as the arbitrary scapegoat - by the crowd if we show signs that (a) we belong to the 'it' crowd, and (b) if we are attacked, there are others who 'got my back.'

As the West further deteriorates due to lack of influence by the Gospel, a key element of neo-paganism will be a central element of what Jesus rejects in His temptations by Satan in the wilderness: that scapegoat mechanism (that René Girard has detailed so well in his mimetic theory) by which "all the kingdoms of this world" are founded and maintained.

In other words, I wear the North Face on my right shoulder as a talisman that says I am not one of the weak or diseased of the herd; therefore, do not nip at my heels or try to kull me or cast me into the outer darkness where there is wailing and gnashing of teeth.

Big O bumper stickers long after the election are the same deal, IMO.