Having already attended Palm Sunday service yesterday (no lector, so I subbed last minute), I decided to break my Lenten fast (music) by plopping on the ol' headphones and strolling around Baltimore's Inner Harbor over to Fells Point. Peering from the a pier along side of the USS Torsk, I spied a cute little Mallard couple happily swimming in the sewage, possibly hoping for some pizza bones (them, not me).
The image of the rather plainly adorned female swimming next to the resplendent male reminded me of a common misnomer, that the boy duckie's plumage is colorful so as to attract the female. Truth be told, the beautiful colors are God's design to help poppa duck distract predators so the mommy duck can be safe to care for their young. Yes, even in the animal world the husband often must lay down his life for his bride . . . and me thinks if most human hubby's focused on that aspect of their "animal nature", instead of the other, we might have less divorce.
Being also that this is the day we celebrate Christ's slow parade into Jerusalem, his being greeted with crowds waving palms and chanting of "Hosanna", I wondered if this was more than just prophesy fulfilled. I thought of the simple "sitting duck", and pondered if likewise Jesus allowed this spectacle so as to distract Death itself, who had earlier had his black eyes on each of us. Was our saviour using this event to say "take me, take me, I am the one you really want", so death would indeed take Him, which would allow us foolish sinners to paint His blood on the doors of our hardened hearts so as to be passed over. . .to allow us even today, to claim the victory He won.?
yep, He loves you that much!
who do you love that much?
have ya told'em lately?
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