Thursday, April 2, 2009

Same Apple

"There are only two kinds of men: the righteous, who
believe themselves sinners; the rest, sinners who believe
themselves righteous".
Blaise Pascal Pensees [1660]

Some things, it would seem, never change, as this statement could just as easily be applied to all the folks today who are "good people".The ones who have decided by their own standard of whim (which changes with the wind, or their blood sugar level), that they are "pretty decent folk", who don't need organized religion to "tell them what's right or wrong"( they have Jon Stewart and "Sex in the City" for that). In the end they don't want religion, because they have in all truth, whether they admit it or not, made them self to be god.

Seems the "progressives" keep falling for the same lie,

"For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil".
Genesis 3:5

1 comment:

stephanie said...

Exactly what I've concluded, D'Art!

Love the "Apple" image, btw. #:)