Monday, January 15, 2007

It'a a Life thing!, do you understand?

Monday, January 22nd, one week from today, is the annual March for Life down here in the city on a swamp (DC), where pro-life supporters so crowd the city that the mainstream media seems to disappear . . .or hide, as I fear there may be an unknown law of physics which states "Truth and the Media cannot occupy the same space". I started attending over twenty years ago, and year after year I am again saddened at how this March of thousands of pro-life demonstrators (or "anti-abortion rights" activists . . .puh-lease) is barely, if at all, covered; but if seven members of "Gay Cat Owners against Bush" hold a rally, it's front page of The Washington Post.

I started attending back in my Bon Jovi perm days, when I was still a Liberal, and an Atheist. Abortion to me was a no brainer (in more ways than one, as most abortion "doctors" usually graduated from some Third World medical / nail art school). Abortion is the killing of an innocent human being. As a liberal, as a conservative, as an atheist, as an Evangelical Christian, and now as a Catholic: one thing stayed the same "Abortion is Murder!"

Christians should stand united in this, and in many ways do, but you wouldn't know it if you attended this mostly Catholic event. I know that most, if not all, of my non-Catholic friends are pro-Life, but year after year I attend this rally alone. The problem isn't that they don't care, but that often their church doesn't say anything out of fear of appearing "political". The Leaders of so many of these churches have sadly become more concerned with church attendance, or planning the annual "pat ourselves on the back" 5 day summer mission trip, than protecting the rights of the unborn.

Individual Christians are ready for the call, but often churches are so fearful of having any sign of political identity ( a valid view), that they have bought the enemy's lie (as well as the media's) that Life is somehow a Republican issue. "Don't rock the boat" is not in the Ten Commandments, moreover if Peter wouldn't have gotten out of the boat ,he would have never have walked upon the water, or swam to the shore to meet his risen Lord.

An embryo's agenda isn't political, he or she just doesn't wanna get ripped apart and thrown in a dumpster.

Hey church leaders!, yeah you! The abortion industry is killing your future church goers, at an average of 4,000 a day. You know it, we know it, now say something from the pulpit, and get your people out there.

This isn't a Catholic issue, it's not even a Christian one, it's about protecting the Innocent.

I pray I'll see more of ya next week (Conservative, liberal, christian, Jewish, or Martian universalist), I pray that those who don't attend will start dialogues in their communities, I pray that the hearts of abortionists will change, and I pray that the souls of the discarded innocent will pray for us all.


PS: the photo is of a new life growing in the body of an ex-Pro-Choice friend (please pray for mother and child).
Jesus gave her a new heart and two new lives.
Amen, I say Amen , an awesome God we serve!

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