"If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit.
Let us not become conceited, provoking one another,
envying one another". Galatians 5:25-26Most of my friends are painfully aware of my mildly annoying
habit of promoting Christian entertainment (music mostly,
but also movies,books,visual art).Omega Code not
withstanding, I generally see the rough diamond of Christian
films,while imagining how they could have been if there was
a Hollywood budget behind it.The
flipside of this, I tend to
see most secular Hollywood offering as extremely well
polished turds,that may sparkle like gems, but have an underlying message that is
....or worse.
One of the recent Christian movie offerings was the film "
The Second Chance", known
mostly as the "acting"debut of
CCM mega-star
Michael W Smith.While not a great film,
it does have a wonderful scene where a very humble mentally challenged man washes
the feet of someone who he had chastised earlier in the film
"I cared more about you saying hell than I did about how you were feeling,",
which in turn lead the two main characters to follow. Both in humility, as washing
anothers feet, or having another was your feet, are both humble sacrificial acts.
Why is the
WWMM ranting about this topic this January morning? Because I see how
many feet I need to wash,as well as how many people I need to let wash my feet (and
a pedicure wouldn't hurt). Forgiving, and being forgiven, are so completely
connected and truly cannot be separated. The funny thing is I think we all have
perform this act on ourselves sometimes as well.
The zeal I have for the new fullness of faith that I have found in the Catholic
Church, may start to come on a bit strong at times (a
Bawlmer boy coming on strong
naaaaah), and even have non-Catholic Christians feeling as if they are under attack. If this be the case, please know that while I do feel betrayed in a sense by the pastors/elders (the
ones who should be able to see all Biblical signs that clearly point to Rome), I
have nothing but love and thankfulness to all of the wonderful
Jesus's I met
in my old church, or through my workings in Youth ministry. One of the truly best
days in my life was at the (non-Catholic) Promise Keepers 2007 "
Stand in the Gap"
event in Washington DC, and other days in my top ten are also related to events
with my old church.
It was the teaching that failed me, never my fellow mega-church goers. The majority
of my friends have been overwhelmingly excepting, with just a few taking a little
time for it to sink in that "Mike really is a Catholic".God bless you all,
and thanks again for the support!
Anyhow, to anyone and everyone feeling in anyway slighted by my humble little blog;
I ask you to call me out if I go too far, to please remember that I am not an actual writer
(although I play one on TV) so I don't always convey things as well as I would like
(improving in this area partly the reason for my
lil' blog), that you will
look for the positive, and mainly that
ya'll might say a prayer or two for me.
The Feet washing starts tomorrow at 6 am, and with a little luck and a lot of
charity,I should be done in time for my 75
th birthday (O:
In Christ's love