Thursday, May 24, 2007

Wasn't home ten minutes when I first spy momma deer out of the window of my humble NW-DC flat. Soon this little one shows up, and I was fortunate enough to get these shots, before they decide to be off.

Momma jumped the neighbor's fence, but my lil' buddy couldn't quite do it. Frustrated, the fawn tried to get through the fence, and proceeded to get stuck half way. I ran outside, and quickly freed my lil' blessing (while of course, breaking my neighbor's fence . . .which I have since repaired). I must admit, that I gave a quick pet to the little one, in exchange for it's freedom.

So many worries of late, all melting away, by the gift of the presence of two simple creatures into my backyard yard.

Thank you God,
for always knowing what I need, despite what I think I want.

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