Friday, August 10, 2007

Coulda been from Bawlmer

“Let my body be turned; one side is broiled enough!”

Me thinks that humble St. Lawrence (who's reported final words are above) would have fit in rather well in my neighborhood in Baltimore, where, I must confess, most of my friends and I often used the same type of graveyard humor to get through even the roughest days.

Legend has it that Lawrence uttered these words while being roasted alive on a gridiron with hot coals beneath. He was meant to die slowly and painfully, but by his words, we see the grace given to those immersed in the Savior's love and truth.

Humor is a gift of God, and I have been shown that more times than I can remember, but of course, I'm gonna share one now. Back in my long haired days, I used to visit my mom every Sunday in the Alzheimer's wing of the nursing home she lived (she is now with our Savior, I hope, praying along with our Blessed Lady for this silly boy's soul). I admit, that I hated going there, as it was depressing, especially as she never knew who I was. One day, while we were walking outside, she stopped, looked up at me and said "you should fine a nice young boy and get married". Yes, I laughed, and yes, I cut my hair not to long after that. I never minded going back there again, and would later use that story to place some smiles on the tear stained faces of my family, on the day of my mother's funeral.

Today is St. Larry's feast day, and I realized again, that when I received communion today, I "entered into" communion with not only Jesus, but all of the earthly and heavenly body of Christ, all the angels and saints, including Saint Lawrence and my mom. This mystery still overwhelms me, and I am happy to continue to let it do so all the remaining days of my life.

St. Lawrence pray for us!

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