Sunday, June 3, 2007

Thrill'ing theme song

Had a realization that this would also make a great theme song for the"Thrill of the Chaste" movie/TV mini series. Earlier this week in anticipation of meeting the writer, Dawn Eden, I had begun to make a chastity mix for her. I soon realized it was sounding like one of "those" mixes (love and chastity kinda go hand and hand . . . pun intended), so I figured it best to not freak the poor woman out, and so I just gave her a sampling of CDs from the bands that woulda made the mix.

This was to be the first tune on the mix (after a rockin' Brady Bunch intro . . .yes, we've established, I am, in fact, a geek). Enjoy!

Roll away
All the things tripping up your life.
You're not alone.
Seize the day
Go and solve the question in your mind,
Will love be found?

Time to be.
All the things that you've dreamed of.
Time to see
If the fairy tale comes true.
Time to see
If there's a shoulder you can lean on.
Time to be
Cause now it's time for you.

The Tories were a Power Pop band with some definite Christian lyrics, proving again, that it ain't gotta all sound like Michael W Smith (O:
(thank God . . .no literally, go and thank God!)

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