Sunday, June 3, 2007

The Ultimate Love Affair

Today is Trinity Sunday (unless, you are not actually reading this on Sunday) and the homily was, of course, on the Blessed Trinity (the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit . . .in case ya not be knowing that).

Monsignor Mosley spoke of the three persons of the Godhead as:
1) Creating - Father
2) Revealing - Son
3) Inspiring - Holy Spirit

and than compared the Trinity to a love affair, as love too, should be creating, revealing, and inspiring. I loved that part of the homily soooo much, that I missed most of the rest of it, as I was repeating - creating, revealing, inspiring - over and over in my noggin, so I could run home and blog about it (um, which as you see, is what I be doing).

. . .1,2,3, baby, you and me girl
theology lesson by the Jackson 5

My fullest understanding of the Holy Spirit, came in RCIA last year, when the deacon explained that the Spirit is the love that flows back and forth from the Father and Son, and through baptism comes to dwell inside us (we are His "home", as Peter Kreeft had said in a recent lecture). That the Creator and Ruler of the universe, would come to live in this silly man/boy from Baltimore, is a profound mystery, and wonderful blessing, that I will be pondering all my remaining days on this big blue marble.

Oh, and after Mass, the Monsignor also informed me of why he wanted to talk to me last week, and shockingly, it isn't to hand me back to the Evangelicals (O:,
It seems that in a grand error of judgement, on par with The Inquisition or Saturday Night Bingo, the church has asked me to be a member of the parish council (and I love Maxfield Parrish! . . .I crack myself up). I, of course, am honored to help my church in any way, shape, or form.

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